The story of tea begins in China around 2737 BC. The story goes like this: The emperor at that time – Shen Nung was sitting beneath a green tree. His servant was boiling drinking water. Some leaves from the bush blew into the water and turned the water a light amber color. Shen Nung was also a renowned herbalist and decided to try the brew that was accidentally created. The tree was a Camellia Sinensis, and the resulting drink was what we now call TEA. The potential healing powers in this ancient beverage continues to interest doctors and scientist more and more each day. Recent research, for instance, suggests drinking tea may help prevent everything from cavities to Parkinson’s disease. And some studies indicate it may even save lives.
So when you are sipping on a delicious cup of warm tea or an herbal blend, please know that mother nature is working in more ways than meets the eye.
• Tea is super high in antioxidants. Antioxidants can help keep cancers from growing within the bladder, lung, breast, stomach, pancreas and colorectal areas. Researchers speculate that the polyphenols in tea may inhibit certain mechanisms that promote cancer growth. Both green and black teas have been credited with cancer-inhibiting powers.
• Antioxidants can help remove toxins from bloodstream.
• Strengthens the immune system.
• Prevents bacterial infection.
• Improves cholesterol.
• Aids in cardiovascular health.
• Prevents clogging arteries.
• Reduces risk of stroke.
• Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
• Reduces risk of Parkinson’s disease.
• Help prevent tooth decay (contains Fluoride).
• Help with bad breath by killing bacteria.
Our Green teas include: Moroccan Mint, Sencha Green, Asian Cherry Blossom, Ancient Green Leaves, Apricot & Peach Tree, Jasmine Vine, Lemon Lavender, Mint Twist, Organic Green, and Organic Jasmine.
• Strengthens the immune system.
• Antioxidants can help remove toxins from bloodstream.
• Prevents bacterial infection.
• Flu – A recent study showed that people who gargled with a black tea extract solution twice per day showed a higher immunity to flu virus compared to the people who did not gargle with black tea.
• Helps aid in damaged lungs from smoking.
• Reduces risk of stroke.
• Helps with blood pressure.
• Helps with capillary blood flow.
• Helps with Asthma by expanding airways, making breathing easier.
• Help with bad breath by killing bacteria.
Our Black teas include: Breakfast Blend, Earl Grey, Lemon Myrtle, Mango Amazon, Vanilla Chai, Orange Almond, Rose Petals, Chocolate Bonbon, Coconut Joy, Lemon Drop, Sugar Plum, Jungle Cabernet, Sicilian Marsala, Organic Darjeeling, Organic Nilgiri, and Organic Vanilla Chai.
• Helps prevent cancers. Higher antioxidant potency than other teas.
• Helps with blood pressure.
• Protects the heart and entire circulatory system.
• Help with tooth decay and strong teeth.
• Help with bad breath by killing bacteria.
• Strengthens the immune system.
• Prevents bacterial infection.
Our White teas include: Pink Sonoma and Champagne Raspberry.
• Improves cholesterol.
• Aids in weight loss.
• Aids with Diabetes by managing blood sugars.
• Helps prevent cancers.
• Strengthens the immune system .
Our Oolong teas include: Raspberry Oolong, Tahitian Vanilla, and Cotton Candy.
• Improves cholesterol.
• Helps with capillary blood flow.
• Improves circulation.
• Aids in digestion.
• Antioxidants can help remove toxins from bloodstream.
• Improves spleen health.
• This soothing, caffeine-free tea has mild sedative properties. The flower petals are medicinal.
• Relieves anxiety.
• Induces sleep.
• Antioxidants can help the effect of Diabetes- vision loss and nerve and kidney damage.
• Known to stunt the growth of some cancers.
• Helps digestion and helps prevents gas.
• Reduces stomach cramps.
• Helps with inflammation.
• Has been known to help with irritable bowel syndrome.
Our Chamomile teas include: Serene Herbal and Chamomile Comfort
Warning: If you take blood thinners, you should avoid Chamomile tea. The Ragweed plant and The Chamomile plant are closely related, so if you have allergies to Ragweed, you may want to beware of Chamomile.
• Helps to reduce blood pressure.
• Helps to lower cholesterol.
• Helps to maintain the effects of atherosclerosis.
• High in vitamin C.
Our Hibiscus teas include: Hibiscus Flower, Raspberry Oolong, Sugar Plum and Cotton Candy.
• Possesses cancer fighting properties.
• Helps to lower cholesterol.
• Helps to reduce blood pressure.
• Helps with liver health.
• Reduces stomach cramps and intestinal issues.
Our Rooibos teas include: Rooibos Chai.
• Whether you drink peppermint or spearmint in your tea, the healing properties are similar in most varieties. The active component to most mint is menthol. Menthol is a natural wonder and has been around since the ancient Egyptians.
• Reduce congestion in a cold or flu sufferers.
• Reduces pain and bloating from gas and reduces cramping from diarrhea.
• Relieve nausea without vomiting.
• Mint has antispasmodic properties.
• Act as a mild expectorant for a chest cold or bronchitis.
• Induce sweating, the body’s natural cooling mechanism. This is a natural way to reduce a fever.
Our Mint teas include: Moroccan Mint, Daily Detox, Serene Herbal, Garden Therapy, Chamomile Comfort and Mint Twist.
Caution: Mint tea may worsen the symptoms of some acid reflux cases
• Ginger is a tropical plant .
• Reduce nausea.
• Aids with motion sickness.
• Chill reducer (warms body).
• Fever reducer.
• Soothes sore throat.
Our Ginger teas include: Rooibos Chai.
Caution: We recommend that the average adult does not to ingest more than 4 grams or more/day as ginger can cause mouth sores, indigestion/heartburn and diarrhea if taken in excess.
• Cinnamon is the fragrant bark of a tropical evergreen tree. It has been a culinary spice for centuries. It is anti-bacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal, making it an excellent all-around remedy for whatever ails you. Cinnamon is a wonderful source of immune-boosting antioxidants. It’s a primary ingredient in Chai.
• Increase blood flow and improve circulation.
• Reduces fever.
• Reduce nausea.
• Relieves stomach issues- particularly bloating, gas and indigestion.
• Anti-inflammatory.
• Has been shown to significantly increase sensitivity to the hormone insulin.
• Known for its blood sugar lowering effects.
• Studies indicate that cinnamon may have protective effects against cancer.
• Anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.
Our Cinnamon teas include: Rooibos Chai, Orange Almond, Cinnamon Apple Blossom and Apple Cider.
• This herb is loaded with a flavorful lemony taste and with serious medicinal properties.
• Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
• Anti-parasitic and anti-fungal.
• Aids in digestion.
• Calms nerves and anxiety.
• May help to lower blood pressure.
• Dilates blood vessels and improve circulation.
• Acts as a mild diuretic and reduces fluid retention.
Our Lemongrass teas include: Lemon Lavender.
• This purple perennial is a coneflow wonder-plant. Echinacea’s leaves and flowers stimulates the body’s immune system to fight off bacterial and viral attacks.
• Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
• Relieves pain.
• Reduces inflammation.
• Antioxidants stimulate the immune system.
• Shortens the symptoms of the common cold.
• Rose hips brews a tart and tangy pink tea. The “hips” are the seed-filled pods at the base of a rose blossom. Often mixed with fruit teas as a sweet/sour mix.
• Major supplement of vitamin C.
• Improves adrenal function.
• Boosts the immune system.
• Contains minerals such as calcium, iron, silicon, selenium, natural sodium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and zinc.
• Increases energy.
• Natural healing for tissues and cells.
Our Rose Hip teas include: Daily Detox and Garden Therapy.
• Cloves have been used for centuries for cooking and many ailments. Native to Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar, the seed has antiviral, anti-fungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.
• Pain relief – it is a natural and powerful analgesic, often used for tooth aches and sores.
• Break up mucous and work as an expectorant.
• Treats strep throat and tonsillitis – it relieves pain and provides a rinse filled with antiviral and antibacterial qualities.
Caution: In high doses, cloves can cause damage to your liver, blood in the urine, diarrhea, nausea, and dizziness.
So those are a few teas we have covered for most common ailments.
When preparing your tea for medicinal purposes, be sure do the research and consult your doctor when needed.
Make sure you brew your tea in a teapot with a lid, or try to cover your mug while the herbs are steeping. This keeps the healing oils of the tea in the liquid, instead of steaming away. Most herbs should be steeped for about 7-10 minutes for best results.
Make sure you buy all natural ingredients to stay away from toxins and nasty growth fertilizers and pesticides.
Share your findings with others. Making someone feel good makes you feel good. Remember, being healthy is a discipline and a lifestyle choice. So make Tea and Herbal blends part of your life and feel good!